Divisibility Rule of 11

Concept Explanation

Divisibility Rule of 11

In Divisibility Rule of 11, we have two methods :

Method 1: The Divisibility Rule of 11 is that you must subtract and then add the digits in an alternating pattern from left to right. If your answer is 0 or 11 then it is divisible by 11.

Illustration 1: Determine 31823 is evenly divisible by 11 ?

step 1:  3 – 2 + 8 – 1 + 3 = 11.  

step 2:  so, 31823 is divisible by 11 .

Illustration 2: Determine 9123 is evenly divisible by 11 or not ?

step 1: 3 – 2 + 1 – 9 = -7.  

step 2: Since -7 is not divisible by 11, 9123 is not evenly divisible by 11.

Illustration 3: Determine 9876543210 is evenly divisible by 11 or not ?

step 1: 0 – 1 + 2 – 3 + 4 – 5 + 6 – 7 + 8 – 9 = -5

step 2: -5 is not evenly divisible by 11, 9876543210 is not evenly divisible by 11.

Method 2 : Find the difference between the sum of the digits at odd places(from the right) and the sum of the digits at even places(from the right) of the number.

If the difference is either 0 or divisible by 11, then the number is divisible by 11.

Illustration 1: Determine 31823 is evenly divisible by 11 ?

Step 1: sum of the digits at odd places(from the right) : 3+8+3=14

Step 2: sum of the digits at even places(from the right) : 2+1=3

Step 3:  14 - 3 = 11

The number 11 is divisible by 11 so, 31823 is also divisible by 11

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Check whether the given numbers are divisible by 11 or not?

 (a) 110011 

(b) 1210121

(c) 758043 

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Which of the following number is divisible by 22?

Right Option : C
View Explanation
Question : 3

Which of the follo0wing number is divisible by 11 ?

Right Option : B
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